Bandi per la presentazione di proposte di progetto CBE JU 2024

Il Polo CGreen vi segnala alcuni Bandi HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024, i quali seguono le regole e procedure di Horizon Europe, il programma di ricerca e innovazione dell’UE, per un budget di 213 milioni di euro. La scadenza dei bandi è prevista il 18 settembre 2024 alle ore 17.00.

Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito web.

Type of project

Call title

Final TRL

Budget / project (M€)

Number of funded projects

FLAG HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024-IAFlag-02 Bio-based dedicated platform chemicals via cost-effective, sustainable and resource-efficient conversion of biomass 7-8 20 1
IA HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024-IA-01 Bio-based materials and products for biodegradable in-soil applications 7-8 7.5 2
IA HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024-IA-04 Circular and SSbD bio-based construction & building materials with functional properties 6-7 7.5 2
IA HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024-IA-05 Selective and sustainable (co)-production of lignin-derived aromatics 6-7 7.5 2
IA HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024-IA-06 Innovative bio-based adhesives and binders for circular products meeting market requirements 6-7 7.5 2
IA HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024-IA-07 Innovative conversion of biogenic gaseous carbon into bio-based chemicals, ingredients, materials 6-7 7.5 2
RIA HORIZON-JU-CBE-2024-RIA-02 Biotech routes to obtain bio-based chemicals/ materials replacing animal-derived ones 4-5 3.5 2