EU Brokerage event on KET in H2020, 7 June 2018, Mainz, Germany

Event dedicated to Key Enabling Technologies of the H2020 program and in particular to open calls in the following technological areas:

· Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials

· Biotechnologies

· Advanced manufacturing and processing

· Energy efficiency in Buildings (PPP EeB)

· Factories of the Future (PPP FoF)

· Sustainable process industries (PPP SPIRE)

· Open Innovation Test Beds (PPP OITB)


The calls are available on the Participant Portal website of the European Commission:


Why participate:

· To present your project idea

· To identify partners and establish quality consortia


How to participate:

Participation is free upon registration on the event website


Deadline: 06 June 2018

(N.B. registrations may be closed before the deadline, upon reaching the maximum number allowed)

For more informations
