From May 3 to May 5, 2017, the Oval Lingotto in Turin will host the Reliability & Technology event that will enable you to meet foreign buyers from all over the world.
By subscribing you will be able to take part in the b2b program that will allow you to schedule appointments with Purchase Managers, R & D and Society Production from Italy, Germany, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Iran, South Africa, Mexico, China, India, Korea Vietnam and Japan. They are mainly in the field of testing and measurement, material characterization, process control and maintenance, installation construction, industrial automation systems mainly for automotive but also for aerospace, naval, white and other manufacturing sectors in which innovation plays an essential role.
It’s just for the solutions providers in the compartments that the most interesting solutions are outlined: rapid simulation and prototyping, testing and measurement systems, optimization of manufacturing processes, assembly and special treatments, industrial maintenance, robots, artificial vision, verification and production control, photonic technologies, metrology and sensors, machining on new materials and alloys, in addition to metals, plastics and composites.
For information:
Alessandra Cuomo
Centro Estero per l’Internazionalizzazione s.c.p.a.
PIEMONTE Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism
Corso Regio Parco 27 10152 Torino – ITALY
Ph. +39 011 6700570
Fax +39 011 6965456
PIEMONTE Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism
Corso Regio Parco 27 10152 Torino – ITALY
Ph. +39 011 6700570
Fax +39 011 6965456