Dear adherent,
we communicate to you some news introduced by the Piedmont Region and we confirm that the selection criteria and the facilitation modalities foreseen for the next Call will be those already contained in the Calls for proposals launched in 2016 and 2017. Here are the introductions:
– form of a contribution to expenditure – to support only staff costs, expenses for members and administrators services and general expenses, which cumulatively may not exceed 75% of the total amount of eligible expenses per beneficiary
– form of benefited contribution – to support the remaining types of eligible expenditure
• NUMBER OF PROJECTS FOR EACH BENEFICIARY: SMEs, Large enterprise, Public end user, agricultural enterprises that have not requested or obtained contributions on the PSR and PAC as of 01/01/2015, can submit no more than three questions valid for the whole Call;
– for partners who undertake to employ at least one resource in the form of high-level apprenticeships (projects that will benefit from a maximum percentage of aid intensity of up to 60%);
– evaluation score for projects in which at least one company already associated with the Pole is present before the presentation is submitted and included in the research agenda;
– for projects that include innovative SMEs;
– for projects that include companies with a legality rating.
• the Call provides for the possibility of financing also:
– Feasibility studies: allowable expenses between 50.000 and 300.000 euros;
– Research support services: between 30.000 and 200.000 euros of investment.
To these two types does not apply the obligation related to the commessa di ricerca and the subsidy is granted in full in the form of a direct contribution to spending.
For info: