Consultancy service designed to improve the quality of Horizon 2020 SME Proposals
The SME Tool is a measure funded by the European Commission to support SME innovation projects. With a multisectoral call open up to 2020, the measure provides for a non-repayable three-stage structured financing scheme:
Phase 1 – Feasibility study of the design idea: 50k € non-repayable
Phase 2 – Development Activities: 70% of costs from 0.5m € to 2.5m €
Step 3 – Services designed to support marketing and internationalization
The measure records a large number of submitted proposals, but moderate success rates. The objective of the service is to improve the quality of the proposals by providing SMEs with an opportunity to analyze their proposal from independent experts selected by the European Commission.
To whom the service is addressed
•Piedmontese and Valle d’Aosta PMIs intending to submit a proposal
•Proposals already submitted/in advanced writing
How does the service work?
•The company submits the proposal
•The expert evaluates remotely and draws up a report
•Meeting between SMEs and independent experts
Methods of participation and deadlines
•Registration by 01/08/17 at the following link:
•Cost: 150 € + VAT PMI Instrument Step 1
·Cost: 300 € + VAT PMI Instrument Step 2
•Meeting with the expert on 30/08/17 at Unioncamere Piemonte, Via Cavour 17, Turin
Service supplied to a maximum of 6 SMEs / Proposals. The selection of the beneficiaries of the service will be based on the completeness of the proposal and the date of registration.
Unioncamere Piemonte guarantees the confidentiality of the data provided by the companies
For more information contact lime references
Area Progetti e Sviluppo del territorio
Projects and Local Development Area
Unioncamere Piemonte
Via Cavour 17, 10123 Torino (Italy)
Tel.+39 0115669236, Fax +39 011 5669238