Free ICTPlast training program – Calendar and program

The calendar and the program of the free ICTPlast training course are available.

The course is aimed at technicians of SMEs in the plastics sector on the use of advanced ICT tools to improve skills in production planning.

Organization of the course: 6 modules separated by 15 hours each.

Course contents:

  • Module 1: Forecasting the application
    Predict the demand from the market of the company’s products
  • Module 2: Planning of aggregate production
    Decide production capacity levels for long-term planning
  • Module 3: Production Program
    Plan the quantity and type of products to be produced over a medium-term time horizon
  • Module 4: Sequences of production operations
    Decide in which order and quantity the products must be made and assembled during short-term planning
  • Module 5: Purchase planning
    Determine the purchase of raw materials, semi-finished products and components over a medium and short-term time horizon
  • Module 6: Delivery Schedule
    Organize the delivery of products in order to meet customer expectations, considering the management of orders, transport and logistics

Planning of training sessions:

Period of development: from the end of March to mid-June 2018

If you are interested in participating in all the forms or some, please forward your request by 28/02/2018 to the following address

Data required:

  1. Company Name
  2. Surname and name of the attendee
  3. Number of module you want attend
  4. Email address



For more information:
